The Latest Case Studies


SMART. It's What We Do.

A leading financial institution tackles the overwhelming challenge of managing an avalanche of alerts and minimizing false positives by employing GOST.

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Tier One FI Case Study

In the ever-evolving landscape of compliance, financial institutions (FIs) face the daunting challenge of efficiently screening their client population for potential sanctions violations. For one prominent FI, relying on a well-known sanctions screening system seemed like the logical choice. However, this system's heavy reliance on fuzzy matching led to an overwhelming number of hits, inundating the FI's analysts with false positives that required manual verification. The situation reached a breaking point when a change in rules and expanded coverage led to a staggering backlog of nearly 1 million cases. Recognizing the urgent need for a cost and labor-efficient solution, the FI turned to GOST

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Case Study - Regional Bank Backlog.pdf